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Almost There

“Charged by the manic labors of keeping up in what’s at hand and bowled over by the torque of things…” 

-Under Pressure, Lauren Berlant and Kathleen Stewart


As a concept of physics, torque is defined as a force, particularly the rotational force equivalent to linear force. Today, artists wrestle with a multitude of forces all at the same time, with the goal of maintaining a sense of victory (or control) of their artistic (and career) directions. Gonzalo Hernandez presents a new body of work constructed on the tension of the phrase “almost there.” The idea appears before us as the motivational gasp that urges us to try a little harder, to do a little better, and to do whatever it takes to “get there” even if it’s only almost there. The artist presents works developed with that same sense of precarity and urgency. Constructed with scrap-cut images from other artist references, scratched to-do lists, and printed textiles, all of these pieces reflect on the constant push and pull of working towards being an artist.


-J. Gibran Villalobos

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